Be a great leader!

Claire Turnbull and Nigel Latta at ThinkTank Emerging Leaders Summit

Be a great leader!

We are all leaders - be it at work, at home as a parent or in our communities . I had the great pleasure of MC’ing the ThinkTank Emerging Leaders’ Summit with some amazing speakers including Nigel Latta, Flilipo Levi and Lisa O’Neill and I picked up some HOT tips I thought you might enjoy…


  • As a leader, we need to be able to keep calm when others are not. Use a scale of 0-10 to check in with yourself during the day to see how you are feeling. 0 is super chilled, 10 is off the chart stressed. Even just being AWARE of how you feel is a massive first step. Then what can you do to get yourself from a 7 to a 5? Or 5 to 3?

  • Check your language and the story you are telling yourself and others. Simply moving from I ‘have to’ to I ‘choose to’ can be powerful. You might feel you HAVE to do things, but really, you are choosing to do those things because it is better than the alternative.

  • Be sure you have people in your life who give you honest feedback, rather than everyone just agreeing with you all the time.


  • You need to be cool and calm in order to lead well and make good decisions.

  • Don’t feel you need to over commit and do everything to grow as a leader, just commit to being 1% better and then when you are 1% better, aim for another 1%.... over time, you will flourish without burning out.


  • Empathy is the glue that holds things together.

  • Get to know people who you work with more deeply – find out about their culture, their best working style, how they function best in the world… the more insight you have, the better you can lead.


  • As a leader you need to show others you have a clear plan, direction and focus, even if the exact path isn’t entirely clear.


  • Create an environment where it is safe to ask questions.

  • Celebrate people’s differences, we all have different ways of thinking, communicating and learning, harnessing the skills that comes from different approaches to a problem can be a game changer.

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