The subconscious stories we carry around
The subconscious stories we carry around
Never have I seen a more powerful image. There are so many things we all carry around subconsciously. There are so many stories that we tell ourselves about who we are, and what our value is based on the actions and words of others.
For you, these stories might be a result of the way you were treated by the people who were in charge of taking care of you when you were younger. Or how other children pulled you apart at school or picked on you in the playground.
Or it could be how other adults treat you now in your relationships, at work, or in other situations you come across in your daily life.
The subconscious stories we carry around about ourselves then play out in our adult life and often reflect our behaviour and how we act in the world……anger, anxiety, defensiveness, fear, frustration, low self esteem, nervousness…the list goes on… and on!
The truth is, it’s all just a vicious cycle. The person treating you badly was likely to be replaying the story in their head which they projected onto you along with their own pain.
On my journey, I’ve personally had to learn that the things people said about me as a child were no reflection of who I really am or what I’m capable of. I’ve also had to learn to separate myself from my behaviour. Unhelpful behaviours are often a symptom, not the cause.
Through practicing mindfulness, I have become aware of my internal dialogue which used to be incredibly destructive. I’ve also had to learn that blame and being angry with others has no positive outcome for me. I can only take responsibility for myself, my thoughts and my actions.
Sending you love wherever you are on your journey. Remember you are human and designed to be imperfect so be a little bit kinder to yourself.
Claire x