What to eat and drink when you exercise


What to eat and drink when you exercise

Amount of food

It is normal for your appetite to increase when you are active (especially at the start of a new exercise regime). The amount of food needed is different for everybody, depending mostly on size and activity level.

Honour your appetite. Increasing wholegrain and starchy carbohydrate portions helps fuel good performance and energy for exercise sessions. Increasing lean proteins can help you repair and build muscle, supporting you to be stronger and fitter.

If you are concerned with weight gain, having a good appetite management strategy is key. Increasing portions of protein, fibrous foods, and vegetables will keep you fuller for longer.

Try to have healthy snacks available so you aren’t caught out.

Losing fat and gaining muscle

You can absolutely lose body fat and gain muscle at the same time. It is often a fine balance which requires more food than you may think.

  • 2 or more resistance training sessions per week set you up for muscle growth

  • Keep protein reasonably high e.g. 20-40g protein per meal

  • Eat in a slight kcal deficit (not so low you impede on your lifting performance; you need good energy for muscle growth)


Stay well hydrated by drinking around 2-3 litres of fluid per day. If you can, check that your urine is pale yellow to clear before you do any intense exercise.

>> To find out more about what to eat before, during, and after exercise - download my FREE resource:

What to eat and drink when you exercise

If you would like personalised sports nutrition advice to help you get the balance right with your food and fitness or sports, my team at Mission Nutrition would love to help!