Why I don’t weigh myself


Why I don’t weigh myself

There are so many reasons why I hardly ever ever weigh myself and we rarely weigh clients at our nutrition clinics either. 

Your weight goes up and down ALL the time. I did an experiment this week after not weighing myself for years and got on the scales at the gym 3 times in the week...my weight varied by 2.3kg between the times. If I was weighing myself to track results then I would have cried, gone home beaten myself up for eating whatever I had for my last meal and felt bad about myself. 

Your weight varies depending on the time of the month, how much you have drunk and the time of the day. Personally, I recommend taking measurements with a tape measure, rating how good you feel and seeing how your clothes fit rather than using scales. 

Back in my teens and 20s I weighed myself up to 10 times a day, I HATED myself and judged myself and my life on my weight and it was utter bullshit, that's no way to live. 

If you're on a journey to better health and get in shape then PLEASE don't over use scales or judge your progress that way. Measuring body fat this way also has many, many problems but that's a whole other story.....

Like yourself and love yourself enough to make changes which can last, feel good and don't require you to live in fear of food and the scales. Big love x

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