Lentil wraps


Lentil wraps

These are so easy to make, nutritious, delicious, and CHEAP!!!!  


  • 1 cup split red lentils, rinsed and drained 

  • 2 cups water 

  • Optional: Pinch of salt, herbs and spices 

 How to make: 

  1. Place the rinsed lentils and water in a bowl and loosely cover. Leave for at least 6 hours/up to 12 hours at room temperature. 

  2. Add the soaked lentils and remaining water (do not drain!) along with salt if you are using it, to a blender or food processor.  

  3. Blend on high speed until completely smooth stopping occasionally to scrape down the sides of container. The batter will look somewhat fluffy. Transfer into a bowl or measuring cup. 

  4. Heat a non-stick pan to a medium heat or cast iron skillet to full heat. 

  5. Once warm, add 1/4 cup of batter to the centre of the pan. Spread the batter into a 6-inch (15 cm) circle. 

  6. Cook for approx 1 minute until the surface of wrap appears dry. Slide a spatula underneath and flip. Cook for another minute on the other side. 

  7. Transfer to cooling rack. 

  8. Repeat with the remaining batter. This quantity will make 8 wraps.  

Storage: Store the cooled wraps in a covered container at room temperature for 1 day, the refrigerator for 2 weeks or the freezer for up to 6 months.