Maintaining your sanity


Maintaining your sanity

Keeping healthy and sane doesn’t always mean sipping on matcha with a fully made up face or sitting on a cushion for an hour before you open your computer.

This is something I’m seeing suggested on my feed as the perfect way to start your day but is that even possible?! Not in my world.

If you can make that work for sure, go for it!! But if you can’t… panic not, there are other tools.

This morning my wake up alarm was the boys jumping on me, farting, then rolling around trying to make each other laugh. I was up late last night doing wedding planning with my cousin so was harder than normal to get up this morning.

After hauling myself out of bed, I then preceded to spend 10 minutes trying to get the wee smell out of Josh’s PJ’s and sheets because he wet the bed last night.

Next stop was lunch boxes, always a joy.

Then came the dishwasher, putting the washing on, getting food out the freezer for dinner, getting the kids to brush their teeth and actually spit the toothpaste in the sink rather than on the tap, the side of the bowl or drip down the vanity, request, mostly calmly for the 100th time for them to stop wrestling…

….then put their socks & shoes on before getting in the car, seriously that task in itself is enough to make you lose your mind and let’s be honest, this is all just a normal morning!

Make up… not happening today. Hair wash. Will have to wait.

If I hit my working day off the back of that chaos I know I wouldn’t be able to focus on bringing my best to what I’m doing so… as always, the jacket went on and in the rain, I pounded the pavements for 10 minutes in silence. I’m now calm and clear.

Aware of my negative bias, I told myself good things about my life rather than replaying the sock battle and being disappointed at myself for feeling so irritated.

A walk might not work for you, but maybe sitting in your car for 5 minutes listening to your favourite song before walking into the office could help? Or spending 5 minutes getting the shit out your head that’s bothering you before you start your day. Or arranging to call a friend?

Small things can make still make a big difference. What works for you?

Watch my Instagram reel here.

Health Advice